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May 18, 2015


re: "the ambience of North Portland reminded me a lot of the close-in Salem neighborhoods. Mostly older houses. Front porches. Mix of young and old. There just was more energy, more people moving around on foot or bike."

This is an important point. In 1900, Portland's population was about 90,000; Salem's was about 4,000.

The bulk of their bike boulevard network is built in these streetcar-era gridded neighborhoods, characterized as you say with porches and detached garages and many intersections. These offer a rich network of local streets that can be optimized for walking and biking, streets that are parallel to busier arterials and collectors and offer excellent alternatives.

Similarly, it will be easiest to create bike boulevards in Salem in our streetcar era gridded neighborhoods.

The conceptual plan for Salem family-friendly bikeways goes outside of this of course (you can see the transition in the proposed Maple/Pine boulevard at the edges of the Deaf School property), but they will make the most sense in those pre-war, 19th and early 20th century neighborhoods.

This limit also underscores the need to supplement bike boulevards with appropriate treatments on busy roads - because of course the businesses and jobs we all want to visit are located more often on the busy streets.

You might edit the post to note that Julie Warncke is the city's Transportation Planner.

Thanks. Done. I looked for Warncke's job title on the City web site, and also Googled this, but couldn't be sure of her current position.

Oh, geez, just saw your reference to me, my email address starts with blipette, haha. Anywhoo, guess I wanna add to what I wrote before. I was one of the originals in SF and am working The commune Im working on a (commune, though dont refer to it as such, but rather a tiny housing community for srs and some will take in homeless youth. Id really like to connect with you as I am trying to find others who were in SF and true hippies, not those that stylized their lives after it. I seek this only because they know the truth about how it was that the 'love generation' came to be. So hoping I can hook up with ya. Pls let me know if your willing to start a connection. BYE, HAVE A GOOD ONE IN TODAYS NON OREGON HEAT WAVE DAY!!!!

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