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May 25, 2015


Brian said:
"What's strange, of course, while completely understandable, is how something that I really dislike doing is so enjoyable. I was tempted to say "satisfying" rather than enjoyable. However, there truly is a joy for me in doing something difficult and challenging."

Yeah, it's called work. :-Q
This proves what a merciful God we have.
When we flipped him the bird in the very beginning, his punishment for us was work.
I love work! I am a work-a-holic.
Thank you, God! Punish me some more!
This was a good blog post. All of my neighbors have and (most) continue to live on their land into their 90s.
There is a symbiotic relationship between the natural world and the land owner.
The work keeps the homesteader healthy.
I will not leave my land until the day I die at which time I will thank God for the lifestyle and the work!!
Thanks Brian for the great spiritual blog!!!

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