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February 05, 2015


Bike Friday's are great but most of them never get folded. The folding part is mostly a novelty of the Bike Friday design and still a somewhat large package. If one desires an actual "folding bike" that will be best when folded and still offer a great city bike ride, it's a Brompton hands down.

JT, a Brompton indeed folds more compactly than a Bike Friday. However, my sales guy demonstrated how the Bike Friday Tikit folds. To me it looked to be about as fast and easy as a Brompton folds, albeit not into as small a package. The Silk folds in a somewhat less easy fashion, but still in less than 30 seconds, I'm pretty sure.

I'm certain that I'll be frequently folding my Bike Friday bike when it arrives. I live in a rural area. We live on a quiet two mile road loop, but outside of that there are quite a few cars and nonexistent shoulders.

We have three vehicles. I want to be able to put my folded bike into any of them, drive into Salem (or wherever), easily unfold the bike, ride around for a while, then easily fold the bike, and put it inside the car. I don't want to have to fool around with three different car rack systems.

As mentioned in this post, I regularly ride a 3-wheeled outdoor elliptical bike that has its own unique hitch rack on our SUV. My Mini Cooper isn't amenable to a rack -- would have to be a removable rack on the hatch that would require putting on and off every time.

So I started off thinking about a foldable bike, because it will meet my needs much better than a regular bike. I suspect, though, that for many people who live in the city, they indeed don't fold their bike much. However, for traveling by plane, bus, or train, a foldable bike obviously is much preferable to a regular bike.

And I'd rather have my bike locked inside my car when I'm in town and not using it, rather than on a bike rack. Likewise, if I'm blogging away in a coffeehouse, it'd be nice to be able to fold my bike and take it in with me, rather than having to lock it up outside.

Thank you for all the good words about my older son, Jeff! He's a good guy in all aspects of his life.

@oregonbrian guess my honest comments weren't worthy of publishing on your blog? Bike Friday's are nice but not true "folding bikes" And require a lot of disassembly to get them real small like a Brompton. This is why they ride so good, because they are mostly that of traditional bike with small wheels. Alex Moulton did this in the 60's and isn't anything new unless your in the USA.

JT, what do you mean? Your comment was published yesterday. I then responded to your comment yesterday.

I agreed (if you'll read my comment) that, sure, a Bike Friday doesn't fold as small as a Brompton.

But a Bike Friday, especially a Tikit, folds very quickly and cleanly. The Silk also folds nicely, though not in as small a a package -- in part because of the 20 inch wheels.

Here's some videos of the Tikit and Silk folding. Tikit looks to be about five seconds -- pretty damn impressive:


The Silk folding is more involved, but still easy. Maybe 15 seconds?


Just get a roof rack for your vehicle, and transport your mountain bike to/from Camp Sherman. Bonus, you get the lift your bike overhead, getting some overhead weightlifting. This will allow you to jump over curbs as needed around Salem, which I doubt that folding bike would be sufficiently sturdy for.

Another bonus you can take your mountain bike up into Washington and ride the Iron Horse Trail:

I dig these little folding bikes! From the videos it looks like the two fold up the same way. What makes for the difference in time in folding the two? You gonna put some videos up on your YT channel once it comes in?

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