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February 03, 2015


Ah, the legacy of a generation.. a legalized drug that has the potential to damage lives. A proud day indeed. Everybody must get stoned.

Sure, there are actual patients who benefit from weed. Some people can use it to unwind in a reasonable and responsible fashion.

Of course not everyone will go overboard and abuse it, but modern weed is very strong with 15-25% THC compared to 3-5% back in the 60's. Some will handle it OK and the average 8 point loss in IQ for habitual users will not render them dysfunctional.

For some minds though, this strong weed is enough to flip a switch in the wrong direction, in as little as one outing, that can create permanent deleterious change. I know this from anecdotal evidence as well as my own personal experience one fateful night in 1965 after huffing a number of blunts of the 5% stuff. I was never the same, in a bad way.

My childhood best friend, with schizophrenic tendencies brewing but not fully manifest, smoked weed one night with us and I had to drive him to UCLA Emergency in a psychotic state. He has been institutionalized for almost 50 years.

In the case of my 23 year old son the damage was cumulative as his pot use began when he was 14, but he now has psychological issues despite talents and accomplishments in a number of areas. He admits the weed has hurt him and he has been off it for a few weeks and I pray to the Grand Amalgamation of Atoms that he can continue indefinitely. His band is going on tour so there will be temptations, but also the opportunity to stay focused on the music and just enjoy life without intoxication and the crutch it provides.

My daughter, a fourth year med student, has smoked weed a fair number of times. She never let it get ahold of her and kept it at bay. Many can handle it as she did. Now there is no time for nonsense as med school is tough. But how many will smoke in their youth and never reach their potential because of it. Who knows? But with increased prevalence there will be a price for society to pay, imo.

There should be a warning label on weed products. "Warning. Use of this substance is not without risk. It contains potent psychoactive compounds. It can be habit forming and foment undesired and permanent psychological change."

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