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February 27, 2015


This reminds me of the time when former Mayor Taylor, during her first council meeting, suggested that development was a good way to control mosquitoes (there was a lot of concern about West Nile Virus at the time). Former city staffer Elegant, who was providing a report on the viral threat, while trying to control his shock, suggested that efforts to limit standing water would be a more appropriate response. (Taylor later claimed that she was only joking).
Just like lawyers (who are obligated to do so), some people will simply present any argument that they can come up with to support their position, regardless of applicability or logical consistency.
The threat of oil train spills is not an appropriate justification for construction of the pipeline.

"billionaires who own these gigantic companies need to make one penny more knowing their companies are killing us, and our planet."

--The billionaires aren't killing us. That's asinine. I'm sorry, you are intelligent, but that comment is asinine. Billionaires are just very good at producing what WE, the people, want. They are our agents. They are US. WE are at fault. WE are killing ourselves. WE have to stop buying all the stuff so they won't produce it. Then the billionaires will be shut down. But this isn't going to happen because WE want stuff. Even environmentalists keep buying stuff and then blame the billionaires for destroying the planet. Humanity sucks.

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