« My advice to Salem's "Blue Ribbon" Police Facility Task Force | Main | "Power to the people" on display at yesterday's Police Facility meeting »

January 14, 2015


I want a smaller police force; not an expanding bureaucracy without self control or accountability.

Oregon police training is a threat to public safety.
(1) March 12, 2014 OR M Kelly Swoboda, 49 http://www.kptv.com/story/24960000/police-at-scene-of-officer-involved-shooting-near-wilson-high-school

(2) April 28, 2014 OR M Tere David King, 55 http://www.kvewtv.com/article/2014/apr/28/multiple-agencies-investigate-officer-involved-sho/

(3) April 30, 2014 OR M Michael Conley, 47 http://koin.com/2014/04/30/officer-involved-shooting-salem/

(4) May 9, 2014 OR F/W Jacklynn Rashaun Ford, 25 http://koin.com/2014/05/09/suspect-shot-salem-officer-involved-shooting/

(5) June 11, 2014 OR M Earl Carlson Harris, 73 http://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-northwest-news/index.ssf/2014/06/deputies_kill_armed_73-year-ol.html

(6) June 11, 2014 OR M Travis Blake Utley, 38 http://www.oregonlive.com/milwaukie/index.ssf/2014/06/shots_fired_at_32nd_avenue_and.html

(7) June 12, 2014 OR M Nicholas Glendon Davis, 23 http://www.kgw.com/news/Police-shooting-SE-Portland-262872181.html

(8) July 15, 2014 OR M Shane Lucan Griffin, 36 http://www.oregonlive.com/clackamascounty/index.ssf/2014/07/clackamas_swat_deputies_identi.html

(9) July 24, 2014 OR M Glenn Ray Glancey, 71 http://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-northwest-news/index.ssf/2014/07/reedsport_man_shot_in_confront.html

(10) August 25, 2014 OR M/W Stephen Andrew McMilon, 52 http://www.mailtribune.com/article/20140825/NEWS/140829614/101033/NEWS

(11) August 29, 2014 OR M/W Jayson Matthew Withers, 26 http://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-northwest-news/index.ssf/2014/08/inmate_shot_and_killed_at_east.html

(12) November 16, 2014 OR M/L Juventino Bermudez-Arenas, 33 http://www.newsregister.com/article?articleTitle=linfield-student-stabbed-to-death-suspect-shot-to-death-by-mcminnville-police--1416144556--15414--breaking-news

(13) November 17, 2014 OR M/W Lenny Miles, 34 http://www.ktvz.com/news/police-shoot-kill-fleeing-kfalls-robbery-suspect/29755732

(14) November 20, 2014 OR F/W Chelsea B. Fresh, 29 http://www.oregonlive.com/beaverton/index.ssf/2014/11/beaverton_police_fatally_shoot.html

(15) December 24, 2014 OR M Robert J. Jenkins, 55 http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2014/12/man_dies_after_officer-involve.html

"[R]easons persuade others on moral and political issues only under very special circumstances." Jonathan Haidt

TJ is a classic example of this observation. In all of the years I have read his comments he has seldom, if ever, been persuaded by another's argument. For TJ, the purpose of argument and of reason is, not to find the truth, but to persuade.

Brian, I find it difficult to give validity to your perception of what has occurred in the Police Task Force meetings when you haven't been to any of them.

Jennifer, through my special powers as a blogger, columnist, and citizen activist, I have ways of Knowing All And Seeing All.

Actually I'm quite well informed about what the Police Task Force has been up to.

By the way, you and other Task Force members should, well, take your chair (T.J. Sullivan) to task for not sending you information that he's gotten which should have been forwarded to the entire Task Force.

I don't believe he sent on my message to him, even though he said he would. And my understanding is that communications regarding the potential Portland Road site sent by Mr. Russo weren't forwarded to the Task Force. At least, not in a timely manner.

All this goes to help confirm the impression of me and many others that the thinly disguised goal of the Mayor and City Manager in appointing the Task Force was to provide political cover for the already-made decision to site an over-priced police facility at the Civic Center.

If this isn't true, then I look forward to the Task Force conducting a detailed examination of alternative sites in the next few months, and recommending a preferred site based on solid cost-benefit figures along with broad community input.


Mr. van Pelt's statement that: "For TJ, the purpose of argument and of reason is, not to find the truth, but to persuade." is very accurate and those who continue to interact with him in this process should not forget it.
At one time, when T.J. was on the Council and decisions were being made about how to spend newly available transportation dollars, he advocated for widening Kuebler from Commercial to Lone Oak in place of improving the Commercial-Kuebler intersection. Staff had strongly supported the intersection improvement (which will soon begin, after years of delay and new efforts to get the necessary financing) but T.J.'s advocacy, during the time when the matter should have been discussed, was so powerful (and intimidating) that other Council members (and staff) were afraid to open their mouths.
As you said, the current city leaders only seem to make a pretense of making objective decisions based on public and private input. T.J. may have been chosen to assume the Task Force position based on his proven ability to accomplish and justify a predetermined position.

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