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January 30, 2015


Thanks for the link to SBBA, Brian. I’m happy to hear you may be riding through the streets of Salem soon. Salem has been good to my family for more than 15 years. We’re proud to call it home. While Salem’s current infrastructure seems to focus on cars and brave cyclists, there are additional active transportation options that could benefit a greater share of the population. I look forward to the day that improved infrastructure allows my family (and others) to comfortably bike to Salem’s Riverfront Park, downtown businesses, the public library, and friends who live across town. The City of Salem has adopted a long term bike and pedestrian plan; Salem Bike Boulevard Advocates believe that the creation of a true bike boulevard would be a positive next step.

Thank you for sharing such an informative post. I found such a Folding Bicycle with many more features, which is also affordable. Keep posting more useful posts.

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