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December 01, 2014


The problem as I see it is that the bridge that IS needed is never discussed. Highway 22 should veer right and cross a new bridge that would end on Mission St blazing a trail right through to HWY 22 east. There would be a new expanded cloverleaf at I-5.

I know that you hate the bridge idea, but semi's and other freight should not have to weave their way through Salem (that's DOWNTOWN Salem) in order to connect HWY 22 west to HWY 22 East.

Remember all of your ranting and raving about streetscapes and downtown livability? Hwy 22 needs to connect to a bridge at the end of Mission St and get all of those lost travelers and truckers out of downtown.

I attended the last meeting, and signed up to be notified of forthcoming meetings. Yep, got my notification for the Dec. 3 meeting on Dec. 2. at 2:45 pm - plenty of time to rearrange my social life. Why do I find this both sophomoric AND insulting?

Harry, a Mission Street alignment has been studied several times, and it suffers from a few big problems:

1) It would have to be longer (and more expensive) than the Hope-Pine Street alignment currently on the table. It would have to cross the Willamette, cross Minto, and cross the Slough.

2) Crossing Minto involves possibly contaminated soils from the Boise pools on Minto as well as park and wildlife impacts.

3) It also has to clear the flood plain, so it couldn't just sit on Minto.

There are probably other ones.

This memo from 2006 gives some other reasons the Mission alignment did not move forward -

Though it is not talked about today, it has been discussed a great deal in the past and found wanting.

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