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December 10, 2014


Brian did you notice the extra charge on your bill for the Thanksgiving edition of the paper, it was $3 I believe. I called and asked why, and the SJ said it was because the edition was "Special" and so large. Of course all that extra was just more ads, which they made money off of, not extra content. Yes, you paid more money for the privilege of the SJ making more money.

The primary message that I took away from "The Chain Gang" was that quality journalism can generally be found only within Gannett markets that enjoy competition. Examples were discussed that demonstrated that, when competition existed, Gannett tended to take steps that improved the quality of their product (readers do, in fact, appreciate quality and will gravitate to the better source - although pricing plays a substantial role in circulation levels). Within the Salem market there is little competition so the failure to provide good journalism is consistent with the hypothesis that, where competition is limited, a decline in quality is to be expected. As we all know, Gannett is a business and most of us understand that the making of harsh business decisions are to be expected when there is a compelling reason to do so. Gannett is a large and secure corporation. The additional costs associated with the ability to provide good journalism are affordable and the amounts required actually make up a relatively small proportion of the overall expenditures made by this diversified media empire. Therefore, Gannett's failure to reasonably fulfill their duty to provide the kind of content that is so fundamentally important for a well functioning, constitutionally based representative democracy such as ours can only be interpreted as an immoral act by a group that does not respect the ideals and values that has made America what it is. Unless there is increased competition coupled with subsequent decreases in SJ circulation, we cannot expect the obvious deterioration in quality to be be halted or reversed.

And this is why our news is becoming more controllable which should worry us all. I read this story online this week-- http://www.addictinginfo.org/2014/12/09/ndaa-apache/ So how come a story like this is not in our newspapers or cable news? Why can we only find it from an offbeat site?

We can count on getting information in the future only by going beyond 'regular' sources, the kind we used to be able to depend on-- or thought we could. Propaganda and manipulation is the future and we better hope the internet stays open and free and not just controlled by advertisers. Our local newspapers have long ago given up on real news. :(

Excellent reporting Brian. I would not have known about Picasso and what is going on at Gannett without your report. There was no SJ reporter at the Salem River Crossing Oversight Team meeting today. Michael Rose used to cover these meetings where the largest public works project in Salem history is being planned. The public needs to know, but they don't have a clue because our local paper is MIA. Shameful.

Well no one feels the sadness more than those that felt like they had equity in the Statesman Journal.
I'm talking about folks like me that, during our junior high school years, would awake at 3:00am and fold their news papers, put on their rain gear and then night after night deliver the paper in the pouring, driving cold hard rain. And for $0.50 per customer.
What an exciting day it was when they had moved into the modern world and started up their lithographic printing presses with 4 color printing!!!
Now the print shop is closed.
What a stab in the back!
I really wish the Statesman Urinal would close up shop and sell to an independent that would "rope the horse and drag it past"
(start over)
What a great, great company with a rich history and a sad, pathetic ending.
So sad......

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