I love writing blog post titles like this one. I make myself sound so absolutely great!
I spent a few milli-seconds wondering whether I should leave out the "can't-miss" and just go with "brilliant," but then I thought, To hell with it; let's go for the egocentric gusto.
Tomorrow President Obama is going to talk to the nation about his plan that could allow five million undocumented immigrants to stay in this country and get work permits.
This sounds like a great idea to me.
After all, the Senate has passed bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform, but the Republican-led House has never taken up the bill. Speaker Boehner realizes that if a vote was taken, the Senate legislation likely would pass with mostly Democratic and some Republican support.
That would freak out the Tea Party wing of the GOP, along with others who are automatically against anything Obama and the Democrats are for -- even if it makes good sense and benefits this country.
So Obama is doing the right thing: get the immigration reform ball rolling through his entirely lawful executive action. If Congressional Republicans want to improve and expand upon what he's done, they can pass a bill the President is able to sign that supplants the executive action.
So says a Chicago Tribune editorial:
The president is going to do what he's going to do. How will Republicans respond? We've heard a lot of angry threats about shutting down the government, suing Obama, even impeaching him. Most of that is coming from what our friends at The Wall Street Journal call "the blow-a-gasket caucus." Let them blow.
The adults in the party, meanwhile, should recognize this as an opportunity to lead. They should stop arguing about what the president can or can't do to fix the immigration system, and fix it themselves.
My view, though, is that the "blow-a-gasket caucus" in the GOP will prevail over the "adults" in the party. This will have some short-term ill effects, but likely will be great news for progressives.
Here's my brilliant can't-miss prediction about what will happen after Obama reveals his plan tomorrow:
Republican leaders will go bat-shit crazy. To put it mildly. There will be a lot of talk about impeachment, but eventually the crazies will realize going this route is too crazy even for them.
So they'll decide to stop Obama from carrying out the executive action by blocking funding for it. The GOP will attach this condition to a budget bill needed to fund the government. Obama will refuse to sign the bill after it passes the Republican-led House and Senate next year.
This will create a government shutdown. Just like the last time this happened, most people in this country will blame the Republicans.
After all, they just took control of Congress.
They promised to get government working again right after the mid-term election. And now here we are: the stock market plummeting, consumer confidence shrinking, government services increasingly unavailable, gridlock in Washington even worse than before.
As polls show Americans getting more and more pissed off at the GOP, Republican leaders will find a face-saving way to send Obama a budget bill he can sign.
But the damage will have been done: the year before the Hugely Important 2016 Presidential Election, Republicans will have shown the country that if you give them a chance to lead, they'll blow it.
The government shutdown debacle helps put HIllary Clinton in the White House. Democrats also retake the Senate in 2016. We're right back where we started: a GOP House and Democratic Senate/President.
All isn't exactly right with the world again; it's a hell of a lot better than it looks today, though. So take heart, progressives.
The angrier and crazier Republicans get after Obama makes his announcement tomorrow, the better it will be long-term for this country, since their over-reactions will help pave the way for a Democratic resurgence.
"Republicans will have shown the country that if you give them a chance to lead, they'll blow it."
--Well, Democrats have shown what happens when you give them a chance to lead.
So, how about Libertarians? I like many of their ideas. Ah, but maybe they are a bit too isolationist and the Welfare State hates them. No chance for them. Personal responsibility? Spending money you actually have? Balderdash! Hmmm. How about Tories or Whigs?
Posted by: tucson | November 21, 2014 at 05:19 PM
Here for consideration is a view from right field that Ob*mas executive action will finish off America.
Posted by: tucson | November 22, 2014 at 03:14 PM