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October 17, 2014


Good call and a great post, hope it is widely shared.

Agree with your vote on 90 disagree that unaffiliated aren't treated "dismally". The two parties have rigged the system to keep 3rd parties out and the media goes along with perpetuating this system. Anyone else tired of the two party system? When will politicians AND voters do what's good for the people, instead of the party? Hope you might consider me as your Write In Candidate for Oregon Governor. I'm not affiliated with a party and I don't accept donations.
Royce Cantrell for Oregon Governor
The "Write In" Candidate for You!
Website: www.democracy.com/roycecantrell
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Royce-Cantrell-Candidate-for-Oregon-Governor-14/730306123717994
YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVyvo0KNtJk
Twitter: Royce Cantrell @roycecantrell14
Email: [email protected]
Campaign Headquarters: 541.409.2218 (Issues and Interviews)

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