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October 11, 2014


I read Joseph de Maistre came up with the statement about getting the governments we deserve. I read also he meant it somewhat sarcastically even if not it's very true in my way of thinking. Is the 2-party system a cause I think so. Is anyone else tired of the two party system? When will politicians do what's good for the people, instead of the party? Hope you might consider me as your Write In Candidate for Oregon Governor. I'm not affiliated with a party and I don't accept donations.
Royce Cantrell for Oregon Governor
The "Write In" Candidate for You!
Website: www.democracy.com/roycecantrell
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Royce-Cantrell-Candidate-for-Oregon-Governor-14/730306123717994
Twitter: Royce Cantrell @roycecantrell14
Email: [email protected]
YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVyvo0KNtJk
Campaign Headquarters: 541.409.2218 (Issues and Interviews)

I do not accept this "blame the victim" perspective. Sure, people in Salem tend to be more comfortable with their heads in the sand but they are not entirely lacking in intelligence or the ability to know when they are being had.
Democracies depend on a knowledgeable citizenry. Since Gannett (allegedly) drove out the local Community Press in the 80's (Gannett settled the anti-trust lawsuit out of court), Salemnians have been left without any significant exposure to or discussion of public issues. The result is a local (cough, cough) government that realizes that it can do pretty much as it pleases.
Such may no longer be the case. As freedom breeds calls for restraint, so does autocracy breed a desire for participation. The City Council may now be undergoing some changes that will result in louder voices that will penetrate the media curtain.
We also have The Salem Weekly, Brian Hines, and others in the community who are now forcefully speaking out.
Some issues (like traffic congestion) will become so problematic that the public will demand to be involved.

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