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October 23, 2014


Glad she is doing reasonably well. Hoping for a speedy recovery!

Dear Right Arm,

You are doing the right thing. I wish I could do the right thing everyday.

Start the oxy before the anesthetic wears off!! Oh well, too late if you didn't know that already.

I had big toe fusion surgery that laid me up for six weeks, except I could go around on a knee scooter. I didn't start the pain meds until my toe really started to hurt in the evening after the morning surgery. And hurt it did for about a day and a half and then it gradually subsided. The first night was excruciating. Some of the worst pain I have had and I have had some.

Unfortunately, the fusion failed when I broke the hardware holding it together while stepping off a curb in NYC. Now, all I have is one screw and scar tissue holding the toe together. It was a bracket spanning the fused area that broke. It is still in there.

I could have a revision surgery but this time I would have to be in a cast and immobilized for 6-8 weeks followed by physical therapy. I can't bear the thought of it. So, for now I accept it for what it is. It does hurt less than before the surgery and amazingly I am able to walk around pretty normally and even "hike". Running is no more. I can live with that, and I will until I can't.

My advice is to be conservative with movement as recovery progresses. Don't take any chances and one day this will be a memory.

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