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October 05, 2014


Here's an additional photoset -

The person who took the photos is a City of PDX employee, who works in the Bureau of Transportation!

As for Salem, well, it's important to understand that the first objection to things like this is "we can't take out on-street parking."

A commitment to copious, free on-street parking is one of the biggest barriers to reallocating street space to better serve all users of the road.

I won't say free parking and better streets are in contradiction, but they definitely stand in tension to each other. It is difficult to advocate for free parking and then to advocate for something like this.

If Salem were to do something like this, how would you shuffle the parking?

Here, this will fuel your Portland envy some more:


Salem ranks 47th out of 53 cities in the EPA Green Power Challenge. Hey, at least we competed. And we beat Medford. But not Portland, Corvallis, Gresham or Hillsboro.

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