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September 12, 2014


My prediction as an outsider: Oregon will legalize small amounts of Marijuana, but not this year. Still too much data to collect with respect to how things are going in Colorado and Washington.
From snippets that I have read here and there, Colorado is not getting the expected tax revenues, which means that most users are circumventing purchases at legal outlets. And Nebraska jails are filling up with people traveling to Colorado to buy weed. Nebraska is even demanding that Colorado pay for jailing them. (!) (that would not happen in Oregon for obvious reasons)
Anyhow - good luck, Oregon. I would like to be wrong about this.

I see what Willie R sees.

This weed thing will have to run its course. Then we will know what legalization really means, when it is instilled into the fabric of society.

Weed is a drug like all others with side effects, risks, benefits, pros and cons. No one should be under the illusion that it is entirely benign and that a price will not be paid by society for its widespread use.

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