« Truth Bomb #1: The Statesman Journal newspaper is failing Salem | Main | Truth Bomb #2: Why I don't trust City Hall and the Statesman Journal »

September 19, 2014


Michael Davis described members of Scott Bassett's campaign as "conspiracy theorists" when several of us dared to question Silberman's ties with the Chamber, blanket endorsements of Chamber candidates, and studious indifference to letters to the Statesman pointing out issues that were germane to the election.

Thanks for your continued interest in pointing out the flaws of the biased news wasteland known as the Statesman Journal. I wish more residents had ready access to HinesSight and Salem Weekly.

The only emperor penguin in the Sahara is the best Emperor penguin in the Sahara.

You're pretty damn good Brian. Keep it up!

Sarah Epstein in the Salem Weekly is pretty good too, especially this week:


It is about time someone noticed what is going on in this city. When Janet Taylor was first elected, I told the other side that it had become even more important to be involved but they played dead. The way the current Mayor and certain councilors treat those who speak out is outrageous. I truly admired Mayor Swaim's ability to treat people with respect even when they acted like fools or strongly disagreed with his positions. His humanity (and humility), coupled with a clear understanding of the proper role of those who govern is sorely missed. Time is now ripe for change. I am looking forward to seeing successful actions from caring and visionary persons like yourself and Curt Fisher and the next Mayor of the City of Salem - Tom Anderson.

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