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July 11, 2014


I started at your critique/gentle suggestions/ good ideas about the Salem Art Fair and thereby lost an hour on your neat blog. Reading reading reading. You've given me an unexpected itch to visit the Oregon Country Fair and try some vegetarian Indian food. Good on ya. It would be wonderful if the OCF would hire you to reach out to grammas who survived the sixties, like me. Keep on writing!

Ann, I hope you scratch that itch. Buy tickets to the 2015 Oregon Country Fair well in advance, next spring. I believe they sell out, and no tickets are sold on site anymore.

If you need more convincing that the OCF is for you, I've put up other blog posts with photos after previous visits to the fair. To find them just do an "Oregon Country Fair" search using the Google search box in the right sidebar.

Also, it sounds to me like you should like Strange Up Salem. Both my Salem Weekly column with that name, and my Strange Up Salem Facebook page. Give it a like. You could be the 400th liker!

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