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July 22, 2014


You may be in a position to "have your cake, and eat it too".
If local zoning laws allow, you could build a new, efficient, low-maintenance dwelling on a portion of land that you already own, and sell your current home and the remainder of the land. You are instantly relieved of the burden of maintenance on a sizable tract, and you get to continue to enjoy a familiar environment. Of course, you have already thought of this, I am sure.

As far as ensuring a workable plan to deal with the vicissitudes of life when it comes to the health of the body: if I may be so bold - you make your wagers and you take your chances. From what I can gather about Blogger Brian the man via your blogs (obviously I cannot comment about your beautiful wife Laurel) you are a bit too iconoclastic to be likely to derive satisfaction from subscribing to an essentially communal living situation. It is a suitable compromise, for sure, for those with the financial wherewithal - but your ambivalence about the whole matter is showing. (uttered without the slightest hint of knowledge concerning your financial status)

Walk your talk, Brian. You have all of the resources, intelligence and plain good sense to make the right decisions with respect to your future. And soliciting opinions about possibilities just proves it!

Husband and I were in a similar circumstance: 62 this year and have lived in our house with five acres for 24 years. We used to have livestock: horses for the (now long grown) daughter, sheep, even pigs. Now it was just mowing and the constant fight against blackberries.

We couldn't decide where we want to live for retirement. How do you pick one perfect place?

Our solution: we rented the house to our niece and her family and are going to be full-time RVer's, at least for a while. To the desert southwest in the winter, north in the summer. Currently we're "living" at Fort Stevens State Park near Astoria.

State parks can be noisy, some RV parks are crowded, but we've found a couple of small parks in areas that are as quiet as our rural home. I shouldn't publicize them widely as I want them to stay that way.

The de-stuffing was a chore to begin with, but got easier as we went.

We are fortunate in that we are a small computer software house. We can take our jobs on the road and aren't tied to one area. We have found that there are many like us in IT.

I'd move when you find a place that you want to move to. It is often better to move TO something than away FROM something. Keep the feelers out.

tucson, that's pretty much the conclusion we've come to. We're going to keep looking for a house in town, but it is going to have to be a house that we'd really want to live in -- not just a "back-up" house in case one or both of us no longer can live in our current rural home.

We're starting to feel more comfortable with staying where we are for as long as we can, since we like our home, property, and location. Living in the present moment makes sense, generally. Planning ahead is fine, but nobody knows what the future will bring. Or at least when it will bring it. (Death is certain, for example, but not the when of it.)

Thanks for your post! It's a bit comforting to hear that so many others have the same thoughts about moving. We have 80 acres and a huge, old farmhouse in Wisconsin. Our motivation for moving is the extremely cold and long winters, and some really bad neighbors. But spring and summer are beautiful, and not all of our neighbors are evil monsters -- some are the best people you could hope for as neighbors. So, like you, "it is the best of times and it is the worst of times" all at the same time.

We have no idea where we want to move to, except that it has to be warmer than here. We'd have to stay a few weeks at each location we'd consider to get a feel for the place and the people. That could take years!

I'm scared to make a decision I'd regret later. Like "the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know." But, living through winters in Wisconsin is scary and dangerous. And I want a longer growing season! Your 10 acres in Oregon sounds just wonderful. For my 80 acres, I've let alot of it just go back to the birds and the brambles. It doesn't all have to be perfectly manicured.

Thanks again for your post!

thank you for your post; very enlightening; as a single 67 year old female i am looking for a spiritual based community not religious but into wellness, holistic ways with some tai chi or yoga. Golf communities are quite popular so where are the spiritual based or old hippy communities? thank you again and i appreciate any feedback

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