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July 17, 2014


The StreetRider looks like fun. I imagine there will be races, if there aren't already, like a StreetRider Tour de Clackamas.

I just road the longest miles ever documented on a streetstrider (21.17 miles) in one trip.

I enjoyed reading this article while I was sitting and catching my breath after the longest ride so far on my streetstrider.. That being said, this ride was only about 9 minutes long lol. When I bought my streetstrider from a person on Facebook they had assembled it incorrectly so my husband and I had to look at the videos on YouTube and pretty much reassemble it. The gears and the brakes wouldn't work. From what you said about previously riding a mountain bike I'm assuming you've been in pretty good shape most of your life. Which is not my case. I played softball when I was young and jogged for a while but gained weight as I got older and now I'm out of shape. I'm almost 64 and determined to change things around! I'm about 50 pounds overweight- how long do you think it might take me to like and ride without dying?? This thing is kicking my butt! But I figure that I will ride up-and-down my street until I can build-up my stamina. Now I'm gonna go read your article about when you 1st got the bike. Have a good day- I've been to Oregon once and it is absolutely beautiful! Thanks for sharing. 🙂

I purchased mine before Corvid hit -
have done 5 miles every morning almost 3 years - new knee last year delayed my riding
73 now and back at it slowly, but not as far everyday yet
front tires wore quickly - pretty sorry quality - used another set from Strider - terrible - they said the quality wasn't what they were used too due to Corvid, but offered no other help - local bike shop resized all 3 rims to use "standard" sizes - still front tires lucky to get 400 miles - on my 5th set now.
get exercise -

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