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March 01, 2014


I agree about propofol and the low volume prep being preferable.

I had a colonoscopy a few years back which revealed a very large abnormal growth (non-malignant) that covered 273 degrees of my rectum. I didn't fool around and had surgery to remove it asap. Dr. said the thing would likely have progressed to bad news (cancer) if I had waited much longer. A follow-up colonoscopy was clean. Dr. said come back in five years.

Folks, get a colonoscopy if you are middle aged or older. Just fucking do it. It's no big deal and it may save your ass like it did mine.

Had my third colonoscopy a few days ago. This prep was the worst. Not only was Suprep very expensive ($99 at Walmart) but it tastes horrible. The worst part of the colonoscopy is the prep. The procedure is nothing to be concerned about.
I managed to get the first dosage done. Spent the evening in the bathroom. Had to take the second dosage at 2:30 am. I got about 1/3 down and started vomiting. I threw up at least 6 times in the kitchen sink. I could not try to get more of the stuff down. I was nauseous for two days. Finally got prescription for the nausea. This didn't work as quickly as I thought it would but did slowly get better. I am so thankful that I won't need to have another for 5 years. I believe there is a new procedure where one is washed out with water until all is clear, but it is not available near me. The closest is in San Antonio. If anyone has had the same experience with Suprep, I would recommend going to San Antonio. Suprep is the worst of all preps! I will be going to San Antonio in 5 years.

Had Suprep for colonoscopy today and propofol for the procedure. I recommend chilling it first then drinking smart water as last time I gagged with all the sweet Gatorade. I also highly recommend the propofol. Piece of 🎂 cake!
Started my first prep 3PM day before, 3AM day of for a 1030 procedure. I recommend starting earlier. They would have had me go 6PM then 630 AM and I would never made it.

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