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March 12, 2014


That is some beautiful research that you have done. It must have taken hours and hours of persistence to accomplish such a well written story. Congrats for cutting thru the fog barrier to get to the truth.

Ah, so true, James. It was indeed beautiful research. Which involved a system.

My search for the City of Salem truth led me through lots and lots of City Council agendas on its web site. I'd open up a lengthy agenda; search via Safari for the word "police"; then see what the agenda item with that word referred to.

If it had something to do with a new police facility, I saved that document. And so it went. Since the Council meets every two weeks, each year of searching meant going through about 26 agenda files.

But it was satisfying, in a geeky sort of way. I don't like it when public officials abuse their power and ignore the citizens they supposedly serve. So discovering how poorly the City of Salem made its decision to site a new police facility at the Civic Center struck me as important.

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