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January 18, 2014


Very interesting! Great that you spotted it, and thanks for writing about it. In addition to the "front porch" part, love the alleys on the lot map! Maybe this will really get the whole Fairview thing jumpstarted.

Very cool Brian. So here's the plan...

2015: Brian and Laurel move to new home in Fairview Addition.

2016: Brian runs for the Salem City Council from Ward 3!

Jim, now I REALLY know I have magical powers. Last night I actually thought, "One drawback of moving into the Salem city limits is that somebody might ask me to run for a city office."

And now you've done it! I am prescient!

Fortunately, I mentioned my alcohol, drug, and sleep problems in this post. I have also written about my college psychedelic drug experiences.

Of course, even if I were drunk, high, dozy, or having an LSD flashback, I'd probably still be able to make better decisions than the Salem City Council has been making lately.

So I guess I'd need to find a better excuse.

Just found this after meandering through the old Fairview property on my morning walk today and remembering something about Eric Olsen getting involved. Olsen developed a small space on Rural Ave. across from Fairmount Reservoir several years ago. Originally proposed (and approved by City Council after many people testified both for and against it) as a "cottage development" for people who wouldn't need garages, market forces turned that around in a hurry. Instead of small cozy cottages, they ended up with big two-story houses that completely overwhelm the small area. And yes, nice roomy garages for all. Having said all that, though, I think everyone who has bought there has been very happy with the arrangement, and the houses are very nice--just too big for the space.

Thanks for this post! My wife and I are exploring Fairview as well and wondering now that we're a few years down the road from this post if you ended up there, and if so if the development has lived up to your expectations?

Brian, always good to hear from a namesake. My wife and I ended up asking for our deposit back on a Fairview Addition lot, as the time didn't seem right to move from our ten rural acres.

Since, we've followed the progress of Fairview Addition. There is indeed much to like about the development. Eric Olsen is continuing on with Fairview Addition. Fairview Addition West comes next, along with a planned development of The Woods.

The latter is going to be interesting if it comes to pass: 16 lots on 14.5 acres, so large average lot size in an area with many trees and some good views. Next Tuesday the Salem Planning Commission is going to discuss the proposal for what's being called Fairview Woods. I could send you the public comment files on Fairview Woods, which has some mentions of Fairview Addition West, if you're interested.

My email address is in the right sidebar. It's [email protected]

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