Salem Community Vision is inviting people to come to an open community forum about alternative ways of building a new policy facility and renovating the Civic Center:
Tuesday, January 28, 7 to 8:30 pm, Grand Theatre -- 191 High Street NE, downtown Salem. Doors open at 6:30 pm. Click image to enlarge. Feel free to share.
Come one, come all. You'll have a good time! Really.
This is a great opportunity to engage in what democracy is all about: having a say in governmental decisions that affect you.
The City of Salem will be represented by City Manager Linda Norris and Police Chief Gerald Moore, a.k.a. Gerry and Jerry. They will present the City's $80 million proposal to build a new Police Facility with underground parking adjacent to Mirror Pond at the Civic Center site, along with seismic retrofitting of City Hall and other renovations.
Architect Geoffrey James and Design/Build specialist Gene Pfeifer will present what Salem Community Vision considers to be a lower-cost and better alternative: locate the Police Facility away from the Civic Center; make seismic improvements to the City Hall and Library without demolishing existing structures and green spaces.
The community forum will be moderated by Paul DeMuniz, retired Chief Justice of the Oregon Supreme Court. Attendees will be encouraged to ask questions of the panelists and comment on the alternative Police Facility/Civic Center proposals.
Much more information can be found on the Salem Community Vision web site:
Check out the Salem Community Vision Facebook page. And give them a "Like."