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December 17, 2013


Brian, you just described the city I want to live in. One who cares what citizens want and how we want our community to be. I long for that day. I pledge to work every day toward that goal.

I think we all know - to achieve that goal, we need a change of leadership in Salem, from City Council to City Manager to City Department heads. We cannot afford to keep electing people who do not represent what "we the people" of Salem want.

Or maybe we have good people on our City Council and on the City staff that are just too stuck to realize that there is a happier, better way to be and way to do. That if they would just loosen up and try to think outside the boxes that they have put themselves in? They too might be able to have a 'wishes for Salem' type of internal event. Come on, Linda! Come on, Anna! How bad could it be to dream a little too? Ask your employees, what if?

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