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December 04, 2013


I have a marijuana card. Got it just for kicks having lived my entire life, like Blogger Brian, with weed illegal. It was a real trip going in the store with all these varieties of weed on display, buying the weed, and walking out with no fear of arrest and incarceration. But weed doesn't help me in any way, I have found out. It actually degrades my life experience and smoke just isn't good for you (I suggest eating it in some form for those who like it). However, the CBD's in hemp oil concentrate ointments and tinctures, available only at the dispensaries, do seem to have some medicinal value, so I use those regularly with no psychoactive effects.

It is useless for marijuana possession to be a criminal offense, but I have mixed feelings about it being in widespread use. It's definitely not good for kids and teenagers. DUI arrests for marijuana in the state of Washington have gone up 50%. I don't like the idea of more stoned drivers out there. It is proven to alter your perceptions. That's the whole point of using it, right?

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