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November 04, 2013


Great post Brian. Just one small correction. There were actually two meetings of the Oversight Team since June 24th. On July 31st the Oversight Team got a presentation from City Public Works Director Peter Fernandez on the Salem Alternative. At that meeting the Team tasked CH2M HILL with analyzing the cost and benefits of the Salem Alternative (at a cost of $300,000). But instead of delivering this, what we get on October 31st is the new Salem Alternative. One might speculate that the cost/benefit analysis of the original Salem Alternative showed a high cost and low benefits. So that's when the task was changed by proponents of the bridge. CH2M HILL was happy to comply. Anything to keep this boondoggle going.

Jim, thanks for pointing out a wording error. I changed "between then and now" to "between then and October 31." I realized there was a meeting on October 31, but liberally construed "now" in my mind to include November 4, when I wrote the post.

The bridge for the Salem Alternative is 2 lanes in each direction for the main span. 2 lanes. Where the bridge connects to the local street system, there are added turn lanes. For example, look at the picture of Marine Drive at Hope: it shows 2 vehicle lane lanes eastbound across the river. Westbound over the river is 2 lanes, which becomes 1 thru lane and a double left where the bridge connects to the Hope & Marine intersection

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