My wife and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves at last night's Willamette Humane Society Bowser's Boo Bash. Laurel adapted a cavegirl outfit that she had made a long time ago. And it still fit fine!
And I went as a duded-up version of my actual longboarding self: Senior Citizen Skateboarder.
The Longboard Sling (nice product) that I used to hang my board over my shoulder when I didn't want to carry it around obscured an important part of my costume, the t-shirt. So here's a photo that I took at home with a different longboard.
I was thrilled to find this perfect Halloween image on a t-shirt web site.
I think "Hellcat" captures the spirit of grrrlll-powered longboarding, especially since she is wearing impressively spiked high heels. Admittedly the proportions of her and the board may be off a bit, but her proportions look just fine.
Those wishing to emulate my look need to know that I also am sporting a DeathWish cap. I love thinking that I may be the only Medicare-eligible person in the United States -- no, the world -- who dressed up as a senior citizen skateboarder for Halloween this year.
Best of all... as noted above I am a senior citizen skateboarder.
So I confess that it bothered me when Laurel and I arrived at the Boo Bash, joining costumed pirates, sexy nurses, Einstein, fairies, ax murderers, and a host of other fantasies.
Hey, I thought, these people don't know that I'm the freaking real thing!
Anticipating this reaction, I'd brought along a hickory walking stick with a rubber tip, since like a fish that lost its gills when it evolved onto land, I've been using a Kahuna Creations Big Stick to propel my longboard and have pretty much lost my ability to push a board with my foot.
I was disappointed to find that the room in which Boo Bash attendees were being registered was carpeted. As was the hallway that led to the silent auction area.
But Praise Dog!, that room had a hard surface. And for a while it wasn't super-crowded. So several times I cruised around there on my Landyachtz longboard, the Pocket Knife. It is pretty short, 31 inches, and maneuverable.
I used my nifty Brazos hickory walking stick to push myself along with one hand.
Did fine. Didn't run into anybody. Or seemingly, and sadly, even scare anybody. Did even better, in my mildly buzzed mind at least, after drinking a large glass of wine. (Donated by Van Duzer Vineyards -- thanks guys!)
Already starting to think about next year. Laurel suggested that I use her cavegirl wig as part of a Rastafarian costume. Excellent idea!
Oregon may be voting on a marijuana legalization measure in 2014. I'll be trendy.