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October 08, 2013


It never occurs (of course) to most politicians, left leaning ones especially, to find ways to lower spending, right away, so that the debt ceiling doesn't have to be raised.

No debts need to go unpaid if priorities are set straight.

In a household the husband says, "We need a new car."

The wife says. "We're already deep in debt. We can't afford it."

He says, "But it would be so nice to have a new car that doesn't break down all the time."

She says, "Sure, but if we buy it we're going to have trouble making the payments and default on all our debts. We could go bankrupt."

He says, "But we need a reliable car to get to work to pay the bills."

She says, "Ok, maybe we can afford it if you will quit playing golf and I give up having my hair and nails done every week."

They both look at each other with a frightened look and say in unison, "Oh, but I could never do that! I guess we'll buy the car anyway and take our chances."

There is so much waste and corruption in government and little incentive for discipline. Let's work on that before creating another monster.

As I have mentioned before, it is astounding to me that people would actually want this inept government to manage their healthcare. Look how efficiently Welfare is managed as a fine example of excellence in government management.

Now that I live on Social Security Disability payments and am enrolled in Medicare, I find myself spending more time thinking about this kind of stuff. It's a drag, big time.

Something's gotta give, though. I'm kinda hoping it's me, before the system goes bust.

Around 1969-70 I started to think the system would go bust soon. I saw no way it could continue. I still don't.

Now, here we are about 43 years later and the system is still standing.

Remember the Barry McGuire song "Eve of Destruction" from about 1965? We've been on the eve of destruction for a long time.

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