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October 23, 2013


I'm in a situation very much like yours. My husband has Medicare through Kaiser (with which he's been very happy), but I'm only 60 and have been stuck with Regence for years due to pre-existing conditions.

I'm disappointed we aren't getting a single-payer system. You're absolutely right that the traditional system, where health care delivery focuses more on profit than care, has been increasingly broken. Unfortunately that's still with us, but at least we're finally moving in the right direction.

So I was happy to jump right on Cover Oregon on October 1. I've been using it to determine all my options and compare plans...it works very well for that. And it looks like my available choices will result in me saving several hundred dollars a month over the Regence premium I'm paying! I'm just about ready to make a decision and was very glad to read about your positive experience. Thanks for sharing!

Up until Obamacare came along, Oregon (and Washington) had a GREAT program called the OMIP. - the Oregon Medical Insurance Pool. I don't know if it would have worked for you because I think if someone already had insurance they were not eligible, and if they lost their job and got COBRA insurance or continuing coverage for small businesses, they had to stay with that until the benefits were exhausted.

But for everyone who who was rejected from an insurance co. and had no health insurance options, the OMIP was a terrific option - an ODS plan at standard group premiums, and you got to choose which level of service you wanted. The OMIP has been eliminated with Obamacare, so I'll take your word for it that it's good - we will be needing it come January.

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