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September 24, 2013


The reason the syntax in the English is so bad is because of:

1. The person writing it is Chinese, Nigerian or Indonesian and they are using Bablefish or some translator to cut and paste a set of words that could be construed as functional to communicate. I used it once to talk to a friend of mine in Belgium... Instead of asking how his day was progressing, the translation suggested that I wanted to massage his cow. Which was stupid because he doesn't have a cow.

2. Spam filters can be fooled by bad syntax and wandering sentences. They look at a poorly written bunch of diatribe and figure... yep, only a human can write stuff this poorly. Must be the real thing... PASS.

I tell you Brian, you are looking at it all wrong. If you have spammers, that means they know your site is getting seen. Its kind of a reverse compliment I guess. Just think of them as the paparazzi of blogs. Every now and then one of them tries to get in.

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