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September 12, 2013


I like this idea much better. If we're going to subsidize this development with a boatload of tax breaks let's make it something that will truly benefit taxpayers and not just another boondoggle to line the pockets of wealthy investors.

It's not clear if Mr. Bushek or anyone is taking action.
Some want to buy the parcel. Others have terrific ideas for development. It would be great if they would get together.

In the meantime how did this latest boondoggle sneak up on Salemians? Why are Salemians effectively excluded from community development decisions?

What needs to change so that Salemians can have more control over decisions affecting our future?
Richard Reid

Richard, I share your desire for transparency. But sometimes this isn't practical. Mountain West Investment currently owns the property. Divulging details of potential "deals" would screw up negotiating processes.

I'm not bothered by secrecy in the early stages of negotiating/figuring out what to do now with the Boise Cascade property. However, I agree that getting the public involved as early as possible is important. This would be advantageous both for private and public interests.

Like you said, some terrific ideas are being suggested. Salem has a lot of people expert in mixed use and park design who are willing to share their expertise for free. The City, Mountain West Investment, and any potential alternative developer should take advantage of this expertise.

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