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August 04, 2013


Annie linked me to your blog and I thoroughly enjoyed reading your description of the Mutt Strut.

I'm the woman with the hat and I was out front because: 1. I naturally walk fast, 2. I was trying to keep my mutt, Mason, from getting too exuberant with the other dogs...and yes, okay, I admit it, 3. I wanted to win the 5k "non-competitive" walk too. Thank you for giving me first place, I think you definitely qualify for second.

Catherine, good to hear from you. I honor your authentic first place finish in the 5K walk, and also Mason's well-deserved applause-meter WillaMutt win.

After I realized that the Woman in the Floppy Hat was going to remain well ahead of me on the walk, I focused on passing the three people who were between me/Zu Zu and you/Mason.

Since you were in the lead virtually the entire way, as noted in this post I can report that two of our fellow "walkers" jogged some of the way. So if you were passed by one or both, mentally erase them from your mind -- leaving you happily first at the finish line.

Further, my legalistic and overly-competitive mind, given the non-competitive nature of the 5K Walk, could not help but notice that the admirably fit woman in the front of the people/dog pack who pushed the baby carriage... (1) jogged here and there; impressive, but at odds with the word "walk," and (2) was not leashed to a mutt, which is at odds with the words "mutt strut."

So if you were passed by her, I give you permission to also erase her from your memory of the finish line.

Next year, of course, is another year. I encourage you to spend the next twelve months researching traditional Chinese culture in regard to respect for venerable elders.

Oh, did I mention I'll be 65 for the next Mutt Strut? I think it'd be cool for everyone in the 2014 5K walk who is ahead of me at the end of the course to move off to the side, wait for me and Zu Zu to catch up, then bow deeply and say "Please enjoy your First Place Finish, venerable elder!"

Actually, now that I have put my fantasy into words, that sounds horrible. Scratch the idea. Just let me win without making it obvious.

Nice work on the tricks training! :-)

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