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August 18, 2013


Brian, what evidence do you have that this proposal is going to "get rid of the Boise Cascade ruins" anytime soon. The apartments and rehab center are going on land north of Pringle Creek that has already been cleared. The "bombsite," as I call it, south of Pringle Creek remains for a future "phase" of the project. Do you have evidence to the contrary?

Jim, good point. I didn't really ponder this too much.

Guess I figured that if the Pringle Square folks want people to rent their apartments, and some will be facing toward the "ruins" ( I assume), they'd want to clean up the property as much as possible.

But you're right. The apartment area already is cleared, pretty much. I suppose it is possible that the remaining rubble will stay for a while. Maybe years. Doesn't seem like a good apartment marketing approach, though.

Trains rumbling by is bad enough. Having a view of rubble with trains rumbling by...worse.

I don't care as much about the new apartment dwellers having to look at the bombsite as me having to look at the bombsite every time I return from downtown to my home in S. Salem. And all the visitors to the Convention Center having to look at it (I think that's what you see when you are on the 2nd floor looking southwest out of those big glass walls). It's a hideous eyesore and embarrassment to our city. Why can't we make the developer finish the demolition?

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