Here's a simple fact, lovers of loud fireworks: your enjoyment is being bought at the price of animal pain. Many dogs are terrified of fireworks. So also, I'm sure, are wild animals -- deer, birds, raccoons, etc.
On behalf of our dog, Zu Zu, I just want you to be aware of what you're doing when you set off loud fireworks. I can't inject a sense of compassion into your fireworks-loving brain, though I sure wish I could.
I just want to speak for the stressed-out dogs who can't write a blog post.
And even if Zu Zu could, (she's a pretty damn smart dog) for most of yesterday, July 4, she couldn't have, because she was busy trembling, shaking, anxiously running around the house, hiding in the indoor kennel-with-a-curtain I made for her.
There are lots of dogs like our dog, canines terrified by fireworks.
So I can virtually guarantee that if you live in a populated area, and you're setting off loud fireworks, you're causing severe distress to some dogs. Maybe many dogs.
We live out in the country. Most houses are on several acre lots. Nonetheless, the fireworks started going off early in the afternoon on July 4 and didn't stop until after midnight.
If you're a fireworks lover, you don't want to know what went through my mind as I did my best to reassure our beloved dog, who is usually calm and relaxed, that her dog world wasn't coming to an end.
I'll just say that even though I'm not the most empathic guy (far from it), I'd feel terrible setting off loud fireworks that I knew were causing dogs and other animals to suffer. Knowing that would take away any pleasure I might get from fireworks.
Maybe you loud fireworks lovers don't care. Maybe you think you have a right to do whatever you want on July 4, even if it bothers animals. OK. Like I said, compassion can't be forced on anybody.
I just want you to think about what you're doing. Most people claim to be animal lovers. Most people wouldn't intentionally hurt a dog.
So why did loud fireworks lovers hurt my dog for most of the day yesterday? I'm asking for Zu Zu. But every person who sets off fireworks should be asking that question of themselves.
I don't get how people feel fine celebrating the day in 1776 when our founding fathers said everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness by causing dogs and other animals so much unhappiness.