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June 27, 2013


Hi. I've been reading all your skateboarding posts. I really want to try land paddling. What board would you recommend for a beginner? I'm 52 years old and female. Thanks so much.

page, I'd suggest taking a look at Kahuna Creation's "Cruiser" longboards. The shorter 47" boards seemingly would be a good fit for you.

I think the Haka Moko was the first board I bought for land paddling. I still have it, but have evolved to higher performance boards which wouldn't be advisable for a beginner. I liked it. One of my blog posts talks about it.

You want something reassuringly stable. And not very expensive, since you're trying out land paddling. The Haka Moko (nice blue color) or Haka Cruiser (brown) fit the bill. 47" is a good length. Longer than that and the board gets heavy when you need/want to carry it. Well, its heavy regardless, but longer obviously means heavier.

Ending today there is a Kahuna Creations summer special: $40 off order of $200 or more. Pretty good. Get an adjustable big stick and one of those boards, and you'd be in business.

Or you could head to a local skateboard shop. If you tell them what you want to do, they should point you in the right longboard direction. I wouldn't go with a "dropped" board; that was my first board, before I started land paddling. You want a large stable platform that you can easily shift your feet around on. You'll want to experiment with different stances, width of feet apart, etc. A medium length regular 42-48 inch board will allow that. I see lots of videos with land paddlers using dropped boards (middle is lower than ends), but I think the sort of board is more amenable to doing tricks, which won't be your priority.

Also, get some protective gear. I'd recommend helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, gloves (not sliding gloves; kind which protect wrist and palm -- you can still grip pole with them, as fingers are free). I also wear padded shorts, but that's more of an option.

Then watch some land paddling videos and give it a try. I love the activity. Have my usual 5 or 7 mile routes, which are a lot more fun than exercising in a gym.

Terrific core workout. Also aerobic. Just be sure you don't place the stick in front of a front wheel. That's the main way you'll fall -- tripping yourself. After doing this a few times, I learned "never again."

Thank you so very much, I really appreciate all the great information. Yesterday I read your post about the Haka Moka and I looked at it on the Kahuna website but I was unsure whether the even longer board would be better. Now, with your input, I feel confident trying out the Haka Moka. I will get protective gear for sure and I've already watched several videos. I am so excited to try this! I have a SUP and just love it so I feel pretty sure I'm going to like land paddling too. Thanks again so much for your great advice and for taking the time to give me such a thorough answer.

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