If you're a Salem-area resident who cares about providing the best education possible for our children, in the May 21 election be sure to vote for Cris Brantley, Nancy MacMoriss-Adix, and Rick Kimball.
They're running for the Salem-Keizer school board. Each is in favor of the district's Teen Outreach Program, TOP -- which is demonstrably effective:
The TOP Changing Scenes Curriculum addresses many important teen topics, including:
• Healthy relationships
• Values
• Communication
• Examining influences
• Goal setting
• Decision making
• Adolescent development and sexual health
• Community service
TOP has demonstrated the following results:
• 53% reduction in the risk of teen pregnancy or fathering a child
• 52% reduction in the risk of school suspension
• 60% reduction in the risk of course failure
I can't understand why anyone would be in favor of more teen pregnancies, school suspensions, and course failures. But some people (including write-in candidates) running for the Salem-Keizer school board are.
That's why it is important to vote for Brantley, MacMoriss-Adiz, and Kimball. Be sure to deposit your ballot at a drop site, because it is too late to mail your ballot and be sure it will arrive by May 21.
As reported by the Salem Statesman-Journal:
The health program is funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It is taught by a school district teacher with help from a Planned Parenthood facilitator.
But those who hate Planned Parenthood, an organization that is highly effective in reducing both unwanted pregnancies and abortions through education about responsible sexual behavior and birth control, have falsely claimed that Planned Parenthood is "teaching health classes."
Anyone who doesn't respect truth shouldn't be on a school board.
Elect Cris Brantley, Nancy MacMoriss-Adix, and Rick Kimball. They care about educating children, not about pushing their own extreme political agenda and lies about the TOP program.