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April 18, 2013


“IF?” “IF…Democrats were preventing presidential nominees from even being voted on…”? Don’t you mean WHEN?

Did you speak out against the Democratic filibuster of Bush’s nominees when the shoe was on the other foot? Did you support the 2005 Republican effort to ban judicial nominee filibuster? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filibuster_in_the_United_States_Senate#Recent_U.S._Senate_history

The real question is, why is Obama outraged about failed legislation he knew would never pass a Republican controlled House in the first place? He campaigned repeatedly for an up or down vote and got one – why isn’t that enough? Answer: his demand for an up or down vote and his outrage at the Democratic Senate result have nothing to do with gun background checks and everything to do with the lost opportunity to pin this legislation’s failure on a Republican House. Don’t be fooled. Obama’s outrage isn’t about saving just one child from gun violence. It’s about lost leverage for the 2014 House mid-term elections.

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