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March 13, 2013


You might want to dig deeper. Reeder is described as a "Google Reader Client". That's what Tweetbot is to Twitter. It's only a front-end to Google's RSS service...I'm hoping that Reeder will be transitioning to a service, but it'll probably take the developer some doing!

Jake, the Supreme Leader of Reeder (at least, whoever does their Twitter tweeting) assures us panicky faithful that Reeder will live on after Google Reader dies:


"Don't worry, Reeder won't die with Google Reader."

I believe. Of course, I'll believe more after July 1.

So you are saying that once we sync our Google Reader subscriptions to Reeder, nothing will happen to the subscriptions we had?


Stephanie, apparently. See:

This gives some other options of readers that will carry on after Google Reader goes away.

Reeder is not an alternative to Google reader but relies on it. If Google Reader dies, so will Reeder. BUT.. the Reeder developers say they are working on an alternative.

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