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February 21, 2013


Did you even look at the list in the article? To say that Salem doesn't have things to do while high doesn't even make sense. It's an unnecessary insult. It's just another instance of you demonstrating your hateful obsession - a technique that you use to distance yourself from Salem even though you live here. You're not fooling anyone. All anyone has to do is look through your rants and posts to see prejudice (e.g. judging the new organic market before it's even built) or your love for Starbucks.

Of course I read the entire list. I'm waiting for you to tell me #3 and higher... what there is to do in Salem when you're high.

Actually, I love Salem. And I hate Salem.

If you read more of my marvelous posts about my love-hate relationship with a town I've lived in, or near, for 36 years you'd realize this.

I love and hate lots of things. Life is nothing but yin and yang, positive and negative. Salem has a lot to like, and also a lot to not-like. Looking at things realistically is better than Polyannish thinking.

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