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February 28, 2013


You might be right! Because this parcel is a triangle bounded by the RR tracks, the creek, and the Front St. by-pass, I see it as the most difficult piece to do in an interesting way. Even though the picture shows people on the sidewalk, walking along Front will never be fun, and the connections across Front to downtown are difficult-to-nonexistent. So I tend to hold this parcel to the lowest standards of the three for mixed use.

At the same time, as I have thought about the three proposed developments (the warehouse shell, the apartments, and now this clinical care facility), there's very little actual mixed-use in them. Each pod is pretty much siloed and dominated by a single-use. There's hardly any ground-level retail or walk-friendly amenities.

In aggregate it hardly represents an advance on what Salem has been doing so-lamely.

I'm glad you're talking it up. It's good to have multiple people thinking it through and posing questions for the city and for each other!

do you know if this project is still happening? and what stage it is in?

sarah, I believe the project awaits some approvals. From the Salem City Council. And from the state Certificate of Need authority that approves new medical facilities. Hopefully neither will happen. It would be crazy to waste riverfront property on a rehab facility that could go anywhere, assuming it even is needed.

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