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February 07, 2013


That is a very cool thing. On the electric skateboard I ride, it has brakes as well and gives one much more confidence.

Of course, I fell two months ago and broke my elbow. But that was a kind of freak accident since I was going less than 1 mph......

Better now.....

Skateboarding is a blast....

I want one ,where can I buy them??

Thanks for sharing! I am in almost the exact same situation, old guy, likes to surf (poorly), new to longboard skateboarding, super worried about stopping, super excited about these brakes, moderately worried about installing them...

My wife is convinced I'm having a mid-life crisis, I'm just wanting to cruise slowly (and safely!) on a longboard to work...

Ed, take at look at Board Brake, not to be confused with Brakeboard:

I have one. Haven't tried it out yet. Needed to get a longer bolt from the helpful BoolahBoards guy, as my longboards are pretty high off the ground.

This is a much cheaper and simpler way of stopping than the Brakeboard. Something to consider, if you aren't aware of Board Brake already. (Their web site runs slow; be patient.)

Still using Brakeboard?
Lloyd Kahn,79-yr.-old skater in San Francisco area

Lloyd, congrats on being a 79 year old skater. No, I'm not using Brakeboard. In fact, I'm about to loan/give my Brakeboard set to someone who will use it.

I've gotten into Streetstriding -- outdoor elliptical bike that I really enjoy. Even more than longboard land paddling. So that's one reason I'm not using Brakeboard.

Another is that it rattled and needed more adjusting than I was prepared to do. Probably the second generation Brakeboard is better.

That's awesome! People are coming up with some cool ideas for brakes. Here's a different idea you might want to check out. http://longboardbrakes.com The thing I like about it is you don't have to worry about where your foot is, you control it with your hand. Let me know what you think...

Welcome me. 53 yrs. young. 8 yr.surfer, 2 weekold longboarder. Hi Fellows! I am looking for mechanical engineer (or design) friends who can put to application my idea for a hand brake

Oh come on Brian, 63 years old can't be considered late to the longboarding scene...there's nothing too late man!

Thanks for writing this post. I never knew such an awesome invention existed!

I run a longboard blog at http://www.longboardhub.com and I primarily help beginners find out more about the basics of longboarding. Maybe I'll get Ben to write about his invention on my blog! I think my audience will be interested!

Thanks again,

New Brakeboard Kickstarter is out now - more inexpensive 30" cruiser and great deals on the Longboard complete Gen3.1 https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1130221580/the-rat-a-little-skateboard-with-disc-brakes-by-br?ref=nav_search

It's crazy how far tech has come recently, now there are literally hundreds of electric boards on the market (like these: http://www.pyramidreviews.com/product-reviews/sports-and-recreation/best-electric-skateboards/ )

I'm glad that Brakeboard is still innovating, but for marketing purposes they should probably consider listing their product on Amazon alongside all the other options?

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