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February 25, 2013


All this Michelle Obama exposure lately is just more posturing and putting a happy face on this administrations real agenda.

I don't care if you're the most die-hard Obama sycophant. You cannot deny the disturbing pattern that's emerging here. Take the Obama blinders off and wake up to the real agenda that's behind all those fancy speeches. If not for your own sake, for your children, and your children's children.

If you're an Obama voter, Obama doesn't care about you. He used you to get in power in order enact his sinister agenda, just like many other Marxist demagogues before him throughout recent history (look at Cuba, Russia, China, Vietnam, Cambodia etc., almost exactly the same pattern, and exactly the same outcome). There's no shame in admitting you were duped, as long as you wake up before it's too late.

This isn't about republicans vs democrats, liberals vs conservatives, or left vs right. This is about ALL our futures! Obama is toiling hard to destabilize and CRASH the US economy, so that from its ashes he can "fundamentally transform" the United States of America just like he always said he was planning to do (only you thought it meant something else).

Since coming into office, Obama has more than DOUBLED Bush's deficits after promising to cut them in half by the end of his 1st term; and with no slowdown in sight. No one is THAT incompetent unless they're seeking to intentionally derail the US economy. Pay attention to what this man DOES not what he SAYS.

This will affect all of us, regardless of political affiliation. We have to stop the bickering and start focusing on our common enemy and our common interests. Will you keep being in denial about all of this until it's too late? Or are you willing to consider the possibility and start thinking for yourself instead of having someone else tell you (like the mainstream media) what to believe?

I was embarrassed for First Lady Michelle Obama and the country on Sunday night. A First Lady Ann Romney would have had far more dignity, class, and good sense than to get so caught up in her own celebrity. For the administration to allow her to use the military, the White House, and the honor of her position on an award ceremony for play actors makes a mockery of the office of the president. We already know Hollywood and the Obama administration are in bed together, but the lack of discretion here is over the top. Even for the Obama’s something about it seems very odd, and tucson may have put his finger on it. Or it may simply be that her husband’s narcissism has rubbed off on her and she’s surrounded by an entourage that can’t tell her no. Tread carefully, Michelle. Pride goeth before a fall.

Nay, I like Michelle Obama and I'm glad she did this video AND that she presented the Academy Award. It's ok if others don't, but I do. You go girl!!! Umm, I mean, you go Frist Lady!!!

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