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February 21, 2013


My wife just saw what eventually appeared to me as a scam, and if you Google [email protected], you'll come to the craigslist scammer's page. But what I'm trying to understand is, how would they scam you using this tactic... is it done in baby steps... first they overnight a check and somehow, they can get access to your bank account? But glad I came across your post - confirms this was a scam...

Amazingly, in a followup response to a Seattle Craigslist ad for a turntable, I just got a similar email from a "James Kents" (I found your post by googling some of the text; his initial message actually had seemed legit) ...but now, some of the same bizarre verbiage...

"Thanks for quick response...let's do like this, actually i'm not in
town for now, I came to visit my daughter that just gave birth to a
bouncing baby boy so i wont be able to meet with you any longer but
am ok with the condition as seen on the advert, I'll proceed in
issuing a Check out to you and when you received the check , I will
make arrangement for pick-up. So get back to me with below details
asap.More so i don't mind to pay you additional $20 to withdraw the
advert for you to see how serious i am in the transaction
Address Not Pobox:
Postal Code:
Phone Number:
Last Asking Price:
And as soon as this is provided, the payment will be overnight to you
and i will let you know when its mailed out. I need you to be honest
with the sale as I am a God fearing person. Thanks,
"The Will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not
protect you."
Sent from my iPhone

This scammer's at it again!!!!
Going by RICHARD SMITH [email protected]

-------- Original message --------
From: Richard Smith
Date: 2/18/2016 2:44 AM (GMT-06:00)
To: Kellie
Subject: Re: Pewter car collection

Hello! let's do like this, actually now I'm not in town for now, I
came to visit my son so I wont be able to meet with you but am ok with
the condition as seen on the advert, I'll proceed in issuing a Check
out to you and when you received the check, I will make arrangement
for pick-up. So get back to me with below details asap.

Postal Code:
Phone Number:
Last Asking Price:

And as soon as this is provided, the payment will be overnight to you
and I will let you know when its mailed out. I need you to be honest
with the sale as I am a God fearing person.** N.B UPS does not
deliver to P.O box addresses.


I received a response to my CL posting trying to sell. this scammer asked to email back to nicky… and then i received a reply from lisa…. with the above similar statements without the “God” part.

scammer is using these two emails trying to phish for our info.

[email protected]
[email protected]

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