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January 12, 2013


You've inspired me. Going to take up rowing in the spring after I get a new knee. A friend is trying to put a 4 man shell of 70 year olds together.

Do it! Damn, Randy, are you 70? That's freaking old. To us youthful 60-somethings, at least.

I am 65 and just ordered the same board you have and paddling stick. I will send you the bill for my medical expenses if I rack up any injuries beyond $5 million. This was very inspiring and you made it look relatively safe and simple, as long as I stay on flat ground. One of the major benefits I see, besides a core workout, is the fact that the older you get, the worse your balance becomes and you risk a "help, I have fallen and I can't get up!". Seems like money spent on the board will prevent having to pay for the gizmos to call for help on infomercials. I ride dual sport off road motorcycles so this will be much safer.

Again, thanks for the great videos, write up and test pilot work you did. As for "old geyser", just remember that Mic Jagger is 73 and Tony Bennett is 89 and they are both going strong. Now all they need to do is take up SUP longboarding.

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