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January 02, 2013


quote from above:

"In Australia, after a 1996 ban on all automatic and semiautomatic weapons...The rate of suicide by firearm plummeted 65 percent."

--Why did the suicide rate drop? Because 65% of suicide prone people only had banned auto and semi-auto firearms? None of them owned revolvers or shotguns?

Shotguns could be the answer, being part of the ban. But apparently there's another analysis of the suicide data that came to a different conclusion. See:

Still, suicide does seem related to the availability of guns, which makes sense. Less guns, less suicide. Less guns, less homicide. So let's have less guns! And save lives. See:

Less guns is fine with me as long as I am allowed to have mine, and that is the catch in the USA.

I have various knives, spears, swords, bats, hammers, wrenches, bricks, pipes, bows and arrows, poles, screwdrives, machetes, boards, 10 lb dumbbells, cast iron frying pans, yawara sticks, pepper spray, stingers, rope and rubber tubing, thick rebar, axes and axe handles, electric guitars, rocks and other weapons or potential weapons,(not to mention a green belt in Tae Kwon Do acquired in 1974) but none that have the effectiveness at a safe distance that a gun has.

tucson, I can't believe you don't have a poison dart blowgun and a pack of Rottweillers fed equal amounts of raw liver and methamphetamine.

I find that these self-defense tools work great! So long as you keep on the right side of the Rottweillers (preferably on the other side of a high fence).

I didn't mention my golden retriever because she is utterly harmless. She was once beaten up by a blind hairless chihuahua. Ugliest thing I have ever seen (the chihuahua that is). My dog already gets a little raw meat and if you gave her amphetamines she would probably just become more energetically harmless...high speed licking. But she does bark. Gives me enough time to get out the frying pan.

I mentioned the Stinger. What's that?


cool tool. have carried one daily for about a decade. Have not needed to crack anyone's sternum with it yet but it's good for accupressure as well. Would make a shotokan straight punch extremely effective.

USA has more Guns that's why in USA crime ratio is increasing so rapidly.

One of the purposes of the Second Amendment is to ensure that the citizens of our country would have the ability to protect themselves against their government should the need arise. Limiting availability is only part of the answer, if part of it at all.

Dealing with the mental issues that lead people to behave in such a deplorable manner would go much further toward solving the problem.

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