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December 13, 2012


I too have a MINI Cooper JCW and love how Google Maps speaks over the Sirius stations. But...it never seems to work the same way twice when I am connecting my phone using the iPhone adapter. Will you please tell me the steps you take when connecting your phone? Do you open Google maps prior to connecting or after. I have read through everything I can find in my manuals and on the internet for these steps. Thanks Lisa

Lisa, I need to check this when I return to my car (am in a coffee house at the moment), but this is how I recall Google Maps "talks" to me.

Via my iPhone's bluetooth connection. Meaning, I can answer and make phone calls without connecting the cable adapter. (Unfortunately, in my 2011 Mini bluetooth doesn't work for streaming music or other iTunes content.)

So when Google Maps announces a turn, or whatever, a notice pops up on the Mini display that my phone is making a call. The Google Maps voice speaks. Then the "call" ends, until Google Maps speaks again. I spoke with a Mini Cooper salesman who said that is the way it works for him also.

Have you paired your phone to the Mini via bluetooth? If not, try that.

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