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November 11, 2012


I am very impressed and encouraged by your exploits, Brian. I am in my 50's and plan to get into longboarding. Your strategy of land paddling looks great. Thanks for doing all the hard work and investigating for the rest of us. Keep up the inspiring anventures.

Thanks for these posts. I'm 58 and was thinking of skateboarding and came across your post. I do SUP and Longboard Paddling looks just right for me.

I have two basic questions if I could get some advice. 1) Locations. Would a hilly residential neighborhood work well? How about a state park with pretty rough asphalt roads?
2)Your Kali looks wonderful, but could I start out cheaper? For example Amazon has what looks mostly highly rated bamboo 44 inch normally $135 for $70. I like the Kali abut that's a steep admission if it does not work our. So trading up after some experience seems like a good idea to me, but I could be very wrong.

Russ, a belated reply.

The thing about hills is, you get going fast, and then at some point you have to stop.

Kids who grow up on skateboards are good at foot braking and sliding. I sucked at both, because I'm old and with a land paddle I didn't even kick with my foot -- much less brake with my foot (which I found scary, even at low speed).

You can drag the paddle end and slow yourself down a bit. But to stop completely on a fairly steep hill probably requires sliding sideways. Or really good foot braking. Coasting to a stop is fine, if there's no stop signs or whatever around. But, hey, give it a try. Just wear protective gear. Especially a helmet and knee pads. Plus gloves.

Rough roads won't be as much fun, since it takes more work to push yourself on rough pavement. But I've navigated trails that were rough in places with cracks and such.

Sure, there are cheaper longboards. You've probably already gotten one. Probably better to start cheap and work your way up to something better if you like land paddling.

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