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November 07, 2012


I have mentioned this before, but I think it is worth mentioning again: the anticipated revenue generation from legalized marijuana sales will tail off dramatically when people realize that it costs practically nothing to grow their own supply. There will be no way to tell if a bag of weed came from a licensed state outlet or from your neighbor's basement hydroponic garden.

And if you think that the Feds are going to sit back and let Washington and Colorado get away with legalizing a Schedule 1 substance, you have been smoking way too much pot.

The Oregonian hasn't said what form of legalization they'd actually endorse. The gist of their suggestion is that they think the Legislature should come up with a very restrictive initiative before a less-restrictive bill like Measure 80 has a chance to pass in the future.

However, Measure 80's supposedly "too extreme" form would have been more robust in the face of Federal opposition. Just not having something be a state offense and not having police arrest people for it doesn't go head to head with the Feds in a way the Feds could use. But if state governments are to be issuing permits and licenses, the Feds can threaten to prosecute state government employees for conspiracy.

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