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November 13, 2012


Hi There,

I am also in love with my new 13 inch retina and couldn't agree more with your review.
However, ever since i started using Office, which i sort of need to use, word crashes quite frequently, i think mainly when i use track changes.
Do you use word? have you experienced any of these issues?


sofia, I use Pages. Don't use Word. Fire up Google and see if anyone else has had your problem, and has found solutions. You've probably done this, but it's my first thought when I have a computer problem. Almost always I get some good ideas from other people.

I definitely second this review. I just got my Retina Macbook Pro 13" and I absolutely love it. It's a beautiful screen on a laptop that's the perfect size. I've never liked laptops that are larger than 13" because to me they are no longer portable; it's like carrying around a large awkward piece of machinery. But my Retina MacBook Pro 13" is perfectly portable and more than suits me for my everyday web browsing, word processing, and emailing.

Just stumbled on this. Nice post. I'll read the other as well. I just got the late 2013 model. Wonderful display, powerful. Just a tad heavier than an equivalent Air. I certainly didn't want to spend a pile more on a 15-inch model. (I have a powerful 27-inch iMac so don't need another super powerful machine anyway). It's true that this machine is totally adept with some light editing of video and images. Just takes longer to render or export. No biggie. About to take a vacation and work on some rough cuts of my 1080p video which will have some After Effects sequences and be mostly edited in Premiere. I know my rMBP 13 will handle this work with no major issues. When I get home I'll render that high quality imagery with the iMac. Great writing! Thanks for the fun read.

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