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November 19, 2012


A Buddha-nature unraveling... what a terrible sight to behold :)

But, wait. There's a vision coming to me... not quite in focus... ah, here it is: Oregon's still the top team in the country.
Or maybe Alabama. But the rest, nah!

This is no phony-baloney, religious wishful
thinking. Look at the current paradigm: you win - no matter how crummy the opponents play or weak the schedule or flukey the win - you get enshrined. Grab your nose and look at the current numero uno. Lose and you sleep with the fishes until the enshrined falter or memories fade. Of course, if you lose near season's end, you're a fart in a phone booth with no chance of breathing clear air again. See how it works...

God, I must be channeling Nate Silver again.

I can help you watch the game for free with you Directv. I know a secret. If you want watch the game, or any Blazer games on Comcast Sportsnet, let me know.

I agree this situation sucks!

More elitist crap...can only watch a COLLEGE game if you can afford expensive cable TV

How do up watch for free Dungeness my email is [email protected] help please.

Help Me, I have crappy Direct TV and I NEED to watch the Civil War Game on Saturday

I want to know how to watch the games!!

Is there a sports bar showing the Oregon Oregon State game on TV in the East Bay?

I want to know how to watch civil war game e mail me [email protected]...... Fuck you direct tv i will bee calling you up on Monday and tell you to go fuck your greedy selves

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